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Professional Foundation Crack Repair in Ottawa

Whenever a crack appears in your home foundation, it requires your attention. Although not all cracks are problematic, some may cause water infiltration and damage or indicate a structural problem that can lead to expensive interventions. With the help of Bol-Dan Foundation & Masonry Inc’s team, your foundation crack repair experts in Ottawa, these issues can be dealt with efficiently. Our services are comprehensive, as we notably cover masonry repair and foundation waterproofing. Bol-Dan Foundation & Masonry Inc is your reliable foundation contractor in Ottawa. We have provided our clients with professional restoration and excavation services since 1994.

Reliable Repair and Restoration for Your Foundation Cracks

Cracks can appear as fine lines but cause massive damage to your property, especially if they are evident in the foundation. Cracks often develop unexpectedly; moreover, they tend to spread. So, if a crack develops in a susceptible point in the structure or spreads to reach that point, it can weaken the entire foundation of your building. This is why cracks require urgent attention and expert intervention.


At Bol-Dan Foundation & Masonry Inc, we provide foundation crack repair services for property owners in the Ottawa region. Please contact us if you notice unexpected and unexplained leakages in your basement or near the walls or the doors. We can provide you with complete repair and restoration services for the cracks in your foundation.


 Call us to learn more about our expert foundation crack repair services in Ottawa.

Why is Foundation Repair Crucial?

It is crucial to repair your foundation without delay because any fault in your home's foundation can severely affect its structural integrity. If ignored over a prolonged period, faults in the foundation can also cause significant damage to the structure and construction, leading to repair and restoration bills that break the roof.


If ignored over a long period, a faulty foundation can weaken the load-bearing walls and cause the entire structure to collapse. If you feel that the foundation walls are settling or failing, it is important to dig down to the home's footing level along the perimeter and inspect for cracks.


Sure signs of structural failure are more evident than others. Bending walls and leaning chimneys could be signs of structural problems. Examining the exterior drain tile for blockages or clogs in the weep holes is essential. Get in touch with our experts to know more about our services.


Bol-Dan Foundation & Masonry Inc. can repair the cracks in your foundation by adding sealant. We can also perform the repair work by injecting epoxy into the cement.

Different types of cracks

There are many types of cracks: wall or floor shrinkage cracks; wall or floor settlement cracks. Therefore, repairing techniques depend on various criteria:

  • The material used for the foundation (brick, stone or concrete) 
  • The area where the crack appears (wall, floor, slab, crawlspace or basement)
  • Size of the crack (the width of a 10 cents coin’s edge or wider) 
  • The shape of the crack (vertical, horizontal or diagonal; straight or in zig-zag; wider or thinner at one end)

Homeowners whose foundations are in bricks should be aware that cracks in brick walls always expand and need to be checked by professionals only. You can trust Bol-Dan Foundation & Masonry Inc’s expertise and foundation crack repairs services in Ottawa to take care of your house’s foundation.


Why Foundation Cracks Appear

Cracks have multiple origins in foundations. Severe or not, no crack should be left unchecked as some can let water in the structure or indicate a weak foundation that might lead to severe damage.The following list gives you an overview of the reasons why cracks may appear in residential foundations:

  • Concrete curing
  • Changes in temperature
  • Improper mix when preparing concrete
  • Lack of steel reinforcement in the foundation
  • Movements in foundations due to incorrect footings
  • Building settlement
  • Excessive load
  • Roots of a tree planted too close to the building
  • Frost damage
  • Soil expansion due to water or frost
  • Improperly compacted soil
  • And other causes


Foundation cracks can indicate underlying structural issues that require immediate attention. Recognizing the common signs of foundation cracks is crucial for homeowners to address potential problems early on: 

  • Visible cracks: Look for cracks in your home's foundation walls, floors, or exterior surfaces. These cracks may start small but can widen over time, indicating structural movement or settlement.

  •  Uneven floors: Noticeable sloping or unevenness in your floors, especially on the ground level, can signal foundation settlement or shift.

  • Sticking doors or windows: Difficulty opening or closing doors and windows, as well as gaps or misalignments in frames, may indicate foundation movement that affects the alignment of the structure.

  •  Cracks in interior walls: Interior walls may develop cracks, particularly near door frames or windows, due to foundation movement or settlement.

  •  Bowing or leaning walls: Bowing or leaning walls, both interior and exterior, suggest significant structural issues that require immediate attention to prevent further damage.

  •  Water leakage: Water infiltration through cracks in the foundation, basement walls, or floors can lead to moisture issues, mould growth, and potential structural damage if left untreated.

  •  Sagging or bouncing floors: Floors that feel soft, sagging, or bouncing when walked upon may indicate inadequate foundation support or structural instability.

  •  Exterior foundation damage: Exterior signs of foundation damage, such as crumbling or deteriorating concrete, can indicate ongoing structural issues that must be addressed promptly.


Timely foundation inspection is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of your home and preventing costly repairs. Here's why regular inspections are crucial:

  •  Early detection of issues: Regular inspections allow for the early detection of foundation cracks, settlement, or other structural issues before they escalate into major problems.

  •  Prevention of further damage: Prompt identification and repair of foundation issues can prevent further damage to the structure of your home, saving you time and money on extensive repairs in the long run.

  •  Preservation of home value: Addressing foundation issues promptly helps preserve the value of your home and ensures that it remains structurally sound for years to come.

  • Peace of mind: Regular foundation inspections provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that their home's foundation is in good condition and free from structural concerns.

  •  Professional assessment: Professional foundation inspectors have the expertise and tools to thoroughly assess the condition of your home's foundation and recommend appropriate repairs or maintenance measures.


Crack Foundation Repair Techniques

Wall and floor shrinkage cracks are harmless. They can be sealed against water infiltration, stopped from furthering by adding control joints, and simply repaired to avoid tripping.

Wall settlement cracks are problematic as they imply that the foundation’s stability must be restored. Stell pins, piers or rods can be used depending on the terrain conditions and components. Large-scale repairs may require excavation and reconstruction, usually including basement waterproofing. Repairing techniques for floor settlement cracks are the same as for floor shrinkage cracks. 



Keeping a regular check on foundation problems avoids significant damages to your property. Some issues can go unnoticed but conducting a professional inspection can be helpful. If you need reliable foundation repair services, call us to assist. We can help you identify the problems that might become severe in the future. If you are unsure about the importance of foundation repair, consider the following benefits:

  • It enhances the value of your house
  • It improves the aesthetics of your property
  • It avoids flooding in the basement
  • It avoids plumbing problems
  • It saves your house from structural failures



Have you noticed a crack in your foundation but are not sure what it means? At At Bol-Dan Foundation & Masonry Inc, we have all the necessary knowledge to evaluate the situation and suggest the best course of action. Do not hesitate to contact us and request a free estimation.

Say No To Unwanted Moisture

Bid goodbye to the excess moisture manifesting in your wants, foundation, basement and more with our excellent waterproofing services.

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Foundation & Masonry Inc

1730 Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Suite 800, Ottawa, (Ontario) K1G 5L1
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Nous sommes ouverts à toute heure pour répondre à vos questions. Les estimations se font normalement entre 7 h et 16 h

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